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cardboard packaging design

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Title: cardboard packaging design 
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Contact: huang (Ms.)    


cardboard packaging design related, here cardboard box from under orders to final shipment of the entire process. The first loop  pre cardboard box now applied to all walks of life, different industries demand is not the same size. No matter what the manufacturers what the industry needs to do an annual turnover of large amounts of cardboard box. Pre consultation, we give a professional answer, even according to his size characteristics of the product, giving professional recommendation, this is our pre work. A thorough understanding of customer needs, to give the most professional technical solutions. Determine the customer's needs, and sometimes we can not universal ordinary models to meet customer demand, will be developed by our team, more customer needs, make certain modifications to meet customer needs. Late We cardboard box factory will develop a cardboard boxDIY software for customers to select the appropriate cardboard box. The second loop  pre orders through our cardboard box under the function, size, sale, price, etc. are fully aware of the premise, we can begin to determine the number of orders, models need and delivery dates, etc.. At this time in front of our sales staff will be more prepared to discuss the contents of a sales contract. Which detailed record, customer demand, method of payment, the production cycle, and so on. To the customer for final /confirm/iation. The third ring  Production cardboard box under a single contract for all, signed by the director of the marking, the official under production. All the products produced, inspected, later qualified storage with delivery. Fourth ring  notify customers complete product knot pay the balance due cardboard box waiting for customers to confirm production is completed, the customer can go to the factory to see the goods, you can also confirm our door to door to give the settlement after the balance due in the library. The first rings  knot pay the balance due, enter the sale of the cardboard box shown with the hands of the customer, we collect the balance due, the transaction is not completed, the next phase is to enter the aftermarket, aftermarket cardboard box if there is quality and other issues, will be made our customer service follow up. These are the South China Sea cardboard box factory production and marketing processes. ysyasheng5, indoor sided wipe mode  some double sided magnetic glass wiper cleaning windows, this method may be in the operating room, but the low efficiency and poor reliability, Southern use more. Due to the magnetic strength of hollow double glass is almost no impact. Foshan cleaning company fsfumeikang 

cardboard packaging design
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